Did You Watch Joe Biden’s National Address?

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Should Trump Keep Doing Outdoor Events?

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Should Trump Team Up With RFK Jr?

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Do You Think Most Migrants Fleeing Persecution Or Seeking Money?

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Is Kamala “Weaker” Than Biden?

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Are College Campuses Too Liberal?

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Do You Believe Welfare Should Be Increased Or Decreased?

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Do You Fear That America Is Spiraling Out Of Control?

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Would You Go Along With A Military Draft?

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Do You Think The Deep State Will Try Again To Assassinate Trump?

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Should The Secret Service Leader Resign?

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Do You Believe There’s More To The Trump Shooting Than We’re Being Told?

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    About National Polling Network

    National Polling Network is an American news publication for concerned patriots who are dedicated to protecting our Constitutional freedoms. Like you, we’re tired of the corrupt mainstream narrative, and we’re here to cut through the noise and report the truth as we see it.

    Our team is passionate about defending our First Amendment rights. Each week, we’ll expose corruption, bringing you hopeful stories about fellow patriots who are fighting to protect our rights and our American way of life.

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