Do You Think Gold Is A Better Investment Than Stocks?

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Have You Been Harmed By Inflation?

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Are Trans People Mentally Ill?

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Should Teachers Be Armed?

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Would You Vote For A RINO Republican To Get Rid Of Biden?

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Are You Concerned About A Terrorist Attack In America?

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Are You Voting FOR Trump Or AGAINST Biden?

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Do You Think Trump Is “Friends” With Putin?

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Should Biden Be Impeached For Leaving American Troops In Niger?

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Do You Think Google Is A Threat To Free Speech?

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Do You Support Adding All Third Party Candidates To TV Debates?

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Should The FED Raise Or Lower Interest Rates?

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    About National Polling Network

    National Polling Network is an American news publication for concerned patriots who are dedicated to protecting our Constitutional freedoms. Like you, we’re tired of the corrupt mainstream narrative, and we’re here to cut through the noise and report the truth as we see it.

    Our team is passionate about defending our First Amendment rights. Each week, we’ll expose corruption, bringing you hopeful stories about fellow patriots who are fighting to protect our rights and our American way of life.

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