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EXPOSED: Groomers Invite Children To ‘Kid-Friendly’ Gay Bar

The gendergoblin left can no longer claim they aren’t grooming children.

Why else would you host a “family-friendly” drag show at a GAY BAR for adults featuring scantily clad drag performers gyrating in front of a sign that reads “IT’S NOT GONNA LICK ITSELF!”?

If the purpose of these events is to ‘expose’ children to alternate gender expressions, then isn’t that the very definition of grooming?

The great city of Dallas was in an uproar over the weekend as a newly-opened gay bar – Mr. Misster – hosted a “family-friendly” version of their weekly drag bunch, called “Drag the Kids to Pride.”

Flyers of the event circulated online causing outrage from conservatives who’ve been exposing the left over their obsession with child grooming.

“Do you want to hit the stage with the queens?” read a promotion for the event. “We have FIVE limited spots for young performers to take the stage solo, or with a queen of their choosing!”

Videos and images from inside the club and during the performance created shockwaves online, causing general concern on all sides of the political spectrum. In fact, someone who attended the event even voiced their disgust after previously defending it.

The “family-friendly” drag show featured barely-dressed men in women’s clothing accepting dollar bills from children as young as six. The drag queens even pulled some children on stage to accompany their performance as parents gleefully cheered them on.

Outside the club, chaos ensued as protestors voiced their outrage over the grooming session happening right inside.

A group called “Protect Texas Kids” protested outside and said it had hoped to scuttle the event as soon as it heard about it.

One of the drag performers was even confronted by a protestor after his ‘performance’. He erupted in obscene vulgarities while his handler informed the cameraman that “your mother is a whore.”

As they typically do, far-left counter-protestors arrived on the scene, feeling emboldened to assault conservatives knowing they’ll likely face zero consequences from law enforcement.

After the event, the bar released a statement claiming it was raising money for a local LGBTQ+ youth organization and accused protesters of being “transphobic.”

Many believe the parents present in the audience of the “family-friendly” drag show should face investigations from Child Protective Services.

Author: Monica Hedren

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